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Transient Osteoporosis of Hip

Transient Osteoporosis of Hip, is a well recognized and an uncommon condition that occurs in the hip in the form of pain and affects mostly among the middle aged male and females in the upper portion of the femur. The individuals with this sort of condition will experience a sudden pain which strengthens due to weight lifting activities and walking. As the time passes on, the pain may increase and make the person disable to perform regular activities.
Despite the name Transient Osteoporosis of Hip, it is very different when compared to common age related osteoporosis, which is painless and leads to feeble bones all through the body. As the hip is one of the large joints in the body, proper care and treatment is recommended with diagnosis when a simple pain is felt over the area as there may be the greater risk of breaking the hip bone.

What causes Transient Osteoporosis of Hip?

At present no proper causes are determined about the condition, but after the researches and certain proved studies, it is proven that the causes can be due to:

  • Obstacle of some of the small blood vessels which encircle the hip area
  • Due to hormonal changes and
  • Abnormal and emotionless pressure on the bone

What are the symptoms of Transient Osteoporosis of Hip?

The symptoms are:

  • Sudden onset of pain mainly in the front part of the thigh, the side of the hip, the groin or the buttocks.
  • Pain felt due to weight bearing.
  • Due to previous injury or any accident in the joint which triggers the pain.
  • Feeling of pain when moving the hip gently.
  • The pain which continues after a week and makes the person disable.
  • An obvious limp when the tolerant tries to protect the joint and comfort the pain.

Treatments recommended for Transient Osteoporosis of Hip

The treatment is considered better as soon as possible to minimize the symptoms and put off any damage which may worsen the condition of the bones anytime. The treatments suggested by physicians and surgeons are:

  • Nonsteroidal anti inflammatory medication
  • Weight bearing restriction to eliminate tough activities
  • Physical therapy to maintain flexibility and strength in muscles
  • Proper nutrition, which includes calcium and Vitamin D to promote the healing process.