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Toe and Forefoot Fractures

About 25% of the bones in our body are in our feet. Their purpose is to support the weight of the body and also to facilitate movement. Metatarsals bone in the forefoot and phalanges in the toes that are more susceptible for fractures but they are not so serious to be disabling and could well be cured without surgical procedures.


  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Bruises

If anyone or a combination occur in the feet, it is better to consult a doctor for further treatment to avoid aggravating the condition.

Types of toe and forefoot fractures:

Most of these fractures are stress fractures that could happen if continued and varied stress is applied to the region. These fractures might happen due to the impact created by falling of heavy objects over the foot. If the fracture does not dislocate the bones they are called stable fractures. If the bones get displaced then they are called as displaced fractures. If the fractures bones do not penetrate through the skin then they are called as closed fractures. Metatarsal at the side of the little toe, fracture at the base bone are more common.


Resting for a period of at least four weeks is the main treatment that would be suggested by your doctor for most of the stress fractures.
In a displaced fracture the bones need to realigned and kept in immobile condition till the time complete healing takes place. Buddy tape also might be tied to ascertain immobility but this option is not suitable for diabetic patients. In this case an orthopaedic shoe might be suggested.
For fractures in forefoot short leg walking casing might be opted for. Other options include braces or a firm bottomed shoe.
Only in extreme cases surgery is resorted and such surgeries have a very high success rate and are a very simple procedure.