Spondylolysis and Spondylolisthesis

It is mainly a defect in the vertebra. Spondylolysis mainly occurs in the lower back part of the fifth lumbar vertebrae normally L5. But it is not restricted to only lower vertebrae. It can also occur in the other vertebrae and also in thoracic vertebrae. Survey reveals that four to seven percent of the total population has Spondylolysis. X-ray report is generally used to identify the location of stress fracture.


Heredity is one of the major factors for Spondylolysis. If a person born with thin and narrow type vertebral bone are much prone to this type of condition. Some activities like football, weight lifting, regular gym can give huge stress and pressure on the bone of the lower back.

  • Spondylolysis and Spondylolisthesis can be seen in many patients without any actual symptoms
  • Spondylolysis and Spondylolisthesis pain can be felt in the lower back.
  • Pain can also be felt in the neck, mid back and lower back
  • It can also cause radiculopathy. It is a condition where two or more spinal nerves use to compress.
  • Some of the activities has a high occurrence of Spondylolysis and Spondylolisthesis is driving, Rugby, soccer, football, cricket, tennis.
  • Risk factors can also include sex, genetics, and age


There are two types of treatment for Spondylolysis and Spondylolisthesis. One is non-surgical treatment and the other one is surgical treatment. Patients are initially treated with non-surgical methods. Patients need to take break from all daily activites. Patients are needed to go through periodical X-rays to get access the present stress condition.
Laminectomy is a type of surgical treatment where the lamina of bony ring of the vertebra is removed and pressure is released. It is mainly performed in the neck and the lower back.