Osteonecrosis of Knee

Knee pain is the most common pain as a person ages and particularly happens to the older population. In case of Osteonecrosis, it is a disease caused by a derangement of osseous movement which leads to necrosis of osseous tissue. Basically, Osteonecrosis of Knee is divided into two different units which are:

  • Spontaneous osteonecrosis of the knee and
  • Secondary osteonecrosis

What is the medical therapy for Osteonecrosis of Knee?

Operative and non operative treatments are available for Osteonecrosis of Knee and are treated when the patient is asymptomatic.

Spontaneous osteonecrosis of the knee

The treatment for natural osteonecrosis of the knee includes a conservative routine of protected weight bearing with analgesics, crutches, physical therapy and non- steroidal anti-inflammatory medications which are focused mainly to strengthen the hamstring muscles and the quadriceps.

Secondary Osteonecrosis

The result of non-operative treatment is very poor mainly in Secondary Osteonecrosis and recommended to go to operative therapy once when the patient is symptomatic.

What causes Osteonecrosis of Knee?

There are many causes as the exact condition is not yet identified and understood. The conditions that lead to Osteonecrosis of Knee are:

  • Sickle cell anemia
  • Thalassemia & Obesity
  • Lupus & Kidney transplant and dialysis patients
  • Long-suffering with HIV & fat storage diseases and
  • Tolerant who receives steroid treatments for diverse medical conditions.

What are the symptoms of Osteonecrosis of Knee?

Generally, the symptoms are:

  • A sudden pain in the knee triggered by a certain seemingly routine activity or due to a small injury.
  • Feeling of mild to moderate pain which may get worsens later
  • Sensation of pain during midnight with swelling.
  • Sensitivity of pain with a simple touch or a pressure which may lead to extreme pain anytime.

How to diagnose the problem?

Osteonecrosis of Knee need to be diagnosed in the initial stages when a simple pain is felt. It is performed with x-rays and if possible more sophisticated radiographs are performed like MRI scan or bone scan which gives the result of the problem.
Moreover, it is recommended to prefer surgical treatment to cure the disease and enjoy a better life.